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Infection Control Policy

Purpose of Policy

This policy is designed in accordance with government and NHS guidance to ensure that a safe, hygienic, and healthy environment is maintained at Jesse’s House of the Little Houses Group. We recognise that infections can spread quickly amongst children in a childcare environment. Therefore, we endeavour to ensure that infections are controlled, and good health and hygiene practices are maintained.

Who is Responsible?

It is the responsibility of the whole creche and kids’ club community including leadership, team, and families to ensure the spread of infection is limited as much as possible; this is controlled through:

  • Vigilant hygiene practices
  • Recommending that children who are unwell remain at home to rest and recover
  • Adherence to the recommended exclusion periods, for children and team including:
  • Excluding attendance from the onset of sickness/diarrhoea and then for at least 48-hours after symptoms have stopped and the child or team member are well enough to return
  • Excluding attendance from the onset of a fever (temperature of 38c or higher), until the child is well and can maintain a normal temperature without the aid of Calpol or alternatives

To prevent a virus or infection from spreading around the Creche and Kids’ Club, our team…

  • Promote the use of tissues when coughing and sneezing to catch germs
  • Ensure all tissues are disposed of in a hygienic way and all children and team wash their hands once the tissue is disposed of
  • Develop children’s understanding of the above and the need for good hygiene procedures in helping them to stay healthy
  • Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when changing nappies, toileting children and dealing with any other bodily fluids. Team are requested to dispose of these in the appropriate manner and wash hands immediately
  • Clean and sterilise all potties and changing mats before and after each use clean toilets at least daily and check them throughout the day
  • Remind children to wash their hands before eating, after visiting the toilet and after outings Clean all toys, equipment, and resources on a regular basis by following a comprehensive cleaning rota and using antibacterial cleanser, or through washing in the washing machine
  • Wash or clean all equipment used by babies and toddlers as and when needed, including when the children have placed it in their mouth
  • Store dummies in individual hygienic dummy boxes labelled with the child’s name to prevent cross-contamination with other children
  • Immediately clean and sterilise (where necessary) any dummy or bottle that falls on the floor or is picked up by another child
  • Provide labelled individual bedding for children that is not used by any other child and wash this at least once a week
  • Avoid all outdoor footwear, when entering rooms where children may be crawling or

In addition:

  • The Creche & Kids’ Club leadership retains the right of refusal of all children, parents, carers, staff, and visitors who are deemed contagious and may impact on the welfare of the rest of the creche & kids’ club
  • Parents will be made aware of the need for these procedures for them to follow these guidelines whilst in the creche & kids’ club
  • Periodically each room in the creche & kids’ club will be deep cleaned including carpets and soft furnishings to ensure the spread of infection is limited. This will be implemented earlier if the need arises
  • In the event of an infection outbreak the creche & kids’ club will, where appropriate, undertake a deep clean to ensure the spread of infection is contained
  • We will follow Public Health England guidance, when responding to any national outbreak of a virus/ pandemic and keep parents informed of any course of action. Each specific circumstance will differ and to ensure we take the most appropriate action; we will treat each case on an individual basis
  • In addition, where contagious outbreaks occur, we will adopt Government guidance for all visitors to minimise the risk of further spreading of the infection
  • The creche & kids’ club will ensure stocks of tissues, hand washing equipment, cleaning materials and sterilising fluid are always maintained. These will be increased during the winter months, or when flu and cold germs are circulating.

Government Guidance that we refer to: facilities

NHS Guidance that we refer to: